Data resources Russian resources IPR SMART IPR Smart contains educational and academic literature in all areas of study. Lanbook Lan' contains educational and academic literature in all areas of study. EBS «Urait» Urait contains educational and academic literature in all areas of study. contains educational, academic and business literature from the publishing houses "Peter" and "BHV-Petersburg" Znanium Znanium contains educational and academic literature in all areas of study. Antiplagiat Antiplagiat allows to check text documents for plagiarism. CBONDS database contains information about financial markets conditions. East View East View contains full-texts of Russian periodicals: Russian scientific magazines and newspapers of the Central press of Russia. eLIBRARY.RU eLIBRARYcontains full texts of articles from Russian academic journals and Russian Science Citation Index. Grebennikon Grebennikon contains full texts of russian journals in marketing, management, finance and HR. Repository of scientific and scientific-practical publications on psychology. SPARK SPARK is one of the biggest databases providing information about companies in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan with a wide range of analytical capabilities. UIS Russia Analytical publications and statistical databases on the Russian economy. Foreign resources The AgEcon Search AgEcon Search is a subject repository containing the full text of working papers, conference papers and small press journals in agricultural and other areas of applied economics. Academic Reference (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) Full-text English-language resources database on all academic disciplines published in China. Free archive of scientific publications on mathematics, computer science, statistics, mathematical economics, etc. Chicago Journals Access to the University of Chicago Press journals. DOAB Directory of open access books. Open Access Theses and Dissertations Directory of open access graduate dissertations and theses. DOAJ Directory of open access journals. ILO Electronic Library of the International Labour Organization. IMF eLibrary IMF ELIBRARY contains books published by the International Monetary Fund. JSTOR JSTOR contains full texts of academic journals and books. New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics PALGRAVE DICTIONARY OF ECONOMICS is economic dictionary which contains relevant information about the economy and related studies. OpenDOAR Directory of open access repositories. Orbit (Questel SAS) Patent search database Orbit Premium edition (Questel SAS) Oxford Academic Access to the Oxford University Press journals. Project Gutenberg The oldest free digital library. Research Papers in Economics Repository of research papers in economics. Sage Sage contains full texts of journals on business, social sciences and humanities. Science Direct Science Direct contains full texts of journals and Handbooks published by Elsevier. Springer SPRINGER contains full-text databases of academic journals and books published by Springer. The archive of scientific journals «The archive of scientific journals» contains full texts of articles published in leading academic journals from the XVIII century till 2012. UNESCO Publications of UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education. Wiley Wiley contains full texts of more than 1500 academic journals. World Bank Open Data The electronic library of the World Bank, as well as a full-text database of statistical, analytical analyses, reports, and studies of the World Bank. Currency exchange rate statistics.